Friday, June 1, 2007

Just a simple day

Didn't get up until 13 O'clock. Wrote a reply to my old classmate. Start downloading with amule. Learn a new word "chalkboard" from the joke of the day. Wear my new clothes bought in Shanghai. Is going to Zhengzhou tomorrow.

libntfs seems not to work well for it could not support writing, but ntfs-3g works perfect.

svn basic syntax Usually, we only need to do the following jobs with svn:

1.checkout (co) this should only be necessary at the first time when we start a new project with svn. After that, the information needed by svn will be stored in a directory .svn under your project directory, and you can run the other commands in the project directory without inputting the url and username and so on.
svn co /your/locale/path/project
svn co /your/locale/path/project --username user

2.add To add files or directories, put the new files into your project directory, then run the command.
svn add my.file
svn add *.txt
svn add directory

3.diff Find the difference between the actual file and the recorded in svn. Note: it can't find the new creared file or directory. That is, you must run svn add first to let svn know that a file or a directory was created.
svn diff

4.commit Commit/upload the changes you have made. Note: Either add or diff should be run first, otherwise NOTHING will happen even if you have changed things in your project.
svn commit

5.update (up) Brings your locale project copy up-to-date with the latest revision on svn server. You can consider it as downloading.
svn up

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