Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google Wave and "Gmail is temporarily unable to access your Contacts"

At this time(Thu Sep 24 23:43:42 CST 2009), hundreds of thousands of
gmail users are experiencing the problem of "Gmail is temporarily unable
to access your Contacts. You may experience issues while this
persists". And, there are already many posts about this topic, saying
it's once again an outage, google's fault or mistake.

But to my view, it's obviously not an exception, but an necessary
procedure toward the extent of Google's recently most exciting and
powerful product: Google Wave! Goole Wave will be out of the sandbox,
and be extended to every now Gmail users within this week, that's the
real cause for this "temporarily unable" thing.


Did you notice that google contact has been working so well despite the
intentionally highlighted err notice on Gmail, which has been there for
over hours. Have you ever experienced such funny FAULT or OUTAGE that
google will allow to PERSIST for so long a time?

It's no exception, it's Google Wave's coming! Let's wait to see!!

All these words are just my personal assumption based on very few proof,
so it has nothing to do with Google Mail or Google Wave. All I want to
do is to make an prediction.

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