Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for disabled pipe 0

This is about how to solve a frame buffer problem I encountered after
upgrading to the 2.6.28-15-generic kernel. Last week I enabled the frame buffer
in my grub menu.lst to use the very fast fbterm(a Chinese console
environment, better than zhcon), with the following options:

vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:3

At that time, everything worked well, and I really enjoyed the many
features of fbterm: display ttf font, Chinese and any other double width
characters, as well as the scrollback history.

However, after I upgraded to the latest kernel in
through Ubuntu's apt, I found the console couldn't work any
longer. After the GRUB menu, everything disappeared and nothing showed
until the very late stage, when X desktop stared. If I get out to
the console with Ctrl+Alt+F1, it is still blank, and I found the
following message in dmesg every time I tried to invoke the console:

[drm:i915_get_vblank_counter] *ERROR* trying to get vblank count for
disabled pipe 0

A quick google gave no answer to my question, and a test of booting with
the previous 2.6.28-14 kernel didn't help either. So it's not a problem
with the upgrade, and there must be something wrong with my
configuration, but I am sure I didn't change any of the system files.


The resolution of this problem finally came when I was checking the vga
opinions, and thought of the vesafb module. Was it loaded?

lsmod | grep fb

told me the answer, and after I load vesafb with the command:

modprobe vesafb


I think the kernel should load it automatically as the options given is
clear, but it didn't. No matter how, I add the it in /etc/modules, and
hope it will solve this problem.


Found the source of the problem, in


to solve the problem, just comment out the line of vesafb.


It's not the blacklist, change it won't help. it's the mtrr option,
it should be:

vga=791 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr:1

Sunday, August 9, 2009

iptables forward local port 80 to 8080

This is about how to forward local port 80 to 8080, or any other port,
which is useful when you are runing some test server with no root
privilege, while the client can still connect to the standard www port.

iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080

Friday, August 7, 2009

cmd create a .lnk(shortcut)

We don't use any extra command tool that you have to download somewhere
else and worry about its security, but the winxp built-in cscript(or
wscript, if you prefer) to excute a little Jscript creat-a-lnk.js(source
followed), and create your shortcut on the desktop(or anywhere you want
to), quick and safe!

Shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
DesktopPath = Shell.SpecialFolders("Desktop");
link = Shell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath + "\\shortcut-name.lnk");
// If you want:
// link = Shell.CreateShortcut("D:\\path\\to\\your\\shortcut-name.lnk");
link.Description = "a lnk created from cmd";
link.HotKey = "CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+l";
//link.IconLocation = ".exe,1";
link.TargetPath = Shell.CurrentDirectory + "\\lnk-to-this.txt";
// If you want:
// link.TargetPath = "E:\\path\\to\\your\\target.exe";
link.WindowStyle = 3;

Personally, I feel this is much better than running some unkown
XcreateLnk.exe as you can see the source, learn the process, and
guarante the security of your system.

linux zip/unzip err encoding 压缩解压中文文件 乱码



安装了zip,unzip ->以ubuntu为例 (~$ sudo apt-get install zip unzip)

# sorry.暂缺

~$ unzip -O cp936 /path/to/

-O 参数指定原压缩包的编码方式.
简体中文(GBK/GB2312) 为 cp936
繁体中文(BIG5) 为 cp950

遇到问题,先尝试 -h --help,然后man,再然后才轮到Google.

有结果,中文搜索 linux 压缩 解压 乱码得到的全部都是关于rar,7z代替的方案,

就在^D退出Terminal的这当口,想到了-h, --help.


# 台湾的站

Sunday, August 2, 2009

google code svnsync Error setting property

When I tried to sync a local repository to google code project host, I
got the Error setting property.
yang@acer:~$ svnsync init file:///home/yang/
yang@acer:~$ svnsync sync
Committed revision 7.
Copied properties for revision 7.
Transmitting file data ................
Committed revision 8.
svnsync: Error setting property 'log'
svnsync: At least one property change failed;
repository is unchanged
svn: Error setting property 'log'
Could not execute PROPPATCH
After somewhat hours of googling, I didn't find any direct solution for
my problem, although it did help me get an general understanding of
several keyword in the err log:
PROPPATCH is an http method used in WebDav, just like GET, POST, and
property is some technology SVN used to store additonal
information about the files in a repository.
Okay, let's go back to my problem, and its solution. In fact, it's easy,
and all included in the svn help. I didn't realize this until I went
back to the svnbook after long time unsuccessful attempts to google the
The Err message tells you that something wrong happened while setting a
property 'log'. Exactly speaking, it's the 'log' property of revision 8,
as the err happened right after revision 7's commit job was done. So, to
solve the problem, you need to check and repair the 'log' property of
r8, with the folling command:
svn propedit --revprop svn:log file:///home/yang/ -r8
In my case, it's some unknown blank new lines at the end of the 'log'
property. After remove them, and the command svnsync went through
without any problem.
Hope this will help those who encounter the same/similar questions, and
the lesson I learned from this experience, again: read the manual~