Tuesday, November 25, 2008
how to enable Google Search Wiki!启用SearchWiki的方法!
google在22号对外宣布了其新开放的WikiSearch功能,并且放出了demo video,然而关于如何启用该功能的细节却一直没有给出。那个该死的按钮在哪儿呢?
启用google WikiSearch的方法其实很简单,如下:
try the following links:
or simpy google any*
the keyword, as you have guessed, is "*"! Once you included "*" in the keyword, the SearchWiki will be active.
You must have an google account and login first!
the way to enable Google Search Wiki future
see the new post here
Plus, you can review your SearchWiki at here -->http://www.google.com/reviews/w
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
unique services
有该项服务时直接连接至该项服务的页面,附加参数。没有该项服务时,跳转至google I feel lucky, 并记录下该项服务名称。定期(每天?)进行人工修正,增添,同时对用户做出反馈(邮件/短信)。
Monday, November 17, 2008
思路是将百度贴吧的首页在gae上进行reg express处理,储存至gbase。
daobalang 已经在本月初Nov.2给出了一个贴吧的rss源,尚且不知道是如何处理可以实现同步的更新,或者,是相当同步的更新。
再,gbase是不能用来做自己的data base的,只适合用于发布商品。参看
http://www.g-economy.com/148 -->gbuy横空出世启示录
Friday, October 31, 2008
install ghost xp on x200 via pxe 硬盘/网络安装指南
2.thinkpad x200 驱动下载。
3.x200 pci简易通讯器 问题
4.x200 TPM 无法创建问题
1: 这个是"PCI简易通讯控制器"
Thursday, October 30, 2008
ubuntu-8.10 iso mirror in edu.cn 教育网镜像下载地址
河南大学教育网用户请访问校内共享NAS (.199 高速8MB/S)
music.trueice.net is back!
自big one 接触教育网以来发现的最优秀的音乐网站。速度极快,内容巨多。并且web界面功能也很棒,又是支持在线收听的,说以说用教育网而不知道music.trueice简直就是一种罪过。
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[1] 230- 感谢清华大学网管会提供校内镜像FTP 请校内用户由此下载
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[1] 230- 使用中如有任何问题,请联系系统管理员 (trueice@trueice dot net)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
henu cernet bnetd howto 河大教育网/校园网bnet战网设置指南
本文涉及文件的下载地址 http://sites.google.com/site/henubnet/downloads
1.安装war3 (已经安装的就跳过去吧~)
可从henu校园网内部高速下载(8MB/s or 600k/s)
2.安装 henubnet loader
下载henubnet loder 并解压至魔兽安装目录,即war3.exe所在的目录。
下载 henubnet.reg 双击即可导入配置。
执行游戏安装目录,即war3所在目录下的 w3l.exe (注意,不是war3.exe)启动游戏,选择Battle.net网关为henu(默认),并进入。
Monday, October 20, 2008
全部private IP address 私网地址记录
经常要用的私网IP地址,每次都用google搜,索性自己记下来,最好能排在搜索页的前面,就方便大家查看了。 classB classB classC
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
firefox now supports qq zone
但是今天偶然的点开一个初中同学的空间,发现firefox居然可以打开QQzone了。想来无非有两种可能性:firefox兼容qq zone,或者QQ 空间使用了标准html.
Monday, September 22, 2008
gtalk online status icon on your website
Is big one online? -->
The best thing I can think of is to write a script, then we can get a group people with same interest together. That will be a service similar to the no-longer-existed Skycast.
Monday, September 15, 2008
google 申请 how to apply for google services in China

作为一个google的忠实用户,我们BS百度信奉自由。但是多年的忠诚并不能冲抵谷歌针对中国地大人多的特点所作的政策调整,从早期的Gmail到申请Google Adsense, 再到Google Apps 。本来在国外是google请着拉着找人用的服务,到谷歌中国就变成宝贝了,要藏着掖着。我们可以理解google面对1.3bn中国人的压力,却无法容忍谷歌对自由Free的压抑。还好,我们有google,搜索gmail+apply我们得到了gmail的邀请;google adsense+申请 我们得到了blogger layout里隐藏的adsense自动验证;google apps+CN+申请得到了CN域名下的企业套件教育版 Google Apps Education Edition。

google apps下中文版和英文最大的区别不在于界面上的英语与汉字的不同,而是在于英文版提供了更多中文不具备的功能。
写完这篇水文的第二天下午,收到了来自Google adsense的第四封拒信。当时心情特别灰暗,在怎么形容呢,可以说是有种“天下之大,就没有我容身之地"de感觉吧。
不过,毕竟是学院的网站,申请到google adsense后也就一直放着,哪儿都没挂。切,谁会是冲着那几十美刀去的呢?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
passed the CET6
Monday, September 1, 2008
find your lost cet46 id in henu 四六级准考证号码查询 河南大学
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
post blog via emacs
As you see, this is the first blog post via emacs by Yang. After spent 4 hours
or even long time on learning emacs, I totally fall in love with this most
powerful editor.
set up emacs for python
1. jde
File error: Cannot open load file, jde
edit ~/.emacs.d/dot-emacs, comment out the line
;;(load-library "ryan-java"
2. End of file during parsing
End of file during parsing: /home/yang/.emacs
edit ~/.emacs.d/dot-emacs, add a line like this
'(w3m-default-display-inline-images t)
;;add a line here
;;add a line here
3. Pymacs got an invalid initial repl
Pymacs got an invalid initial repl
uninstall pymacs provided with ubuntu 8.04, install the latest version
sudo apt-get purge pymacs
tar -xgf Pymacs.tar.gz
cd Pymacs-0.23/
sudo python setup.py install
hope this will be helpful.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
3 ways to get skype status
1. http://mystatus.skype.com/echo123.num
2. http://mystatus.skype.com/echo123.txt
3. http://mystatus.skype.com/echo123.xml
they will show the skype status in 3 methods: number, text, and xml.
Replace 'echo123' with your own skypename to see your skype status.
Do remember to tick the "Allow my status to be shown on the web” checkbox and “Save”.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
what shall I do? mind mapping tool under linux
Then, I thought of a mind mapping software called Freemind on my Acer Note Book. Yes, it must be helpful with finding the answer!
I remembered of the bad route table after start my Ubuntu, so I run the command 'ip link set eth0 down' to mend it and 'ip r' to make sure that it worked.
yang@acer:~$ freemind
okay, it started. But I can't inert a second node after the first one 'What shall I do?'
It took me about 10 minutes to find out the reason: the Java program just stopped responding to my keyboard.
^C, freemind
Restart the program to try my luck, yet failed again.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
update the packages on my system to see if there is a solution. none.
search on the Internet for an alternate, failed.
Decided to write a blog to record the bad experience, and thought of the blog posting client. Tried all 3 installed on my system, and count the start time to choose the quickest, of which I can't find the name.
7:10, 1 hour had past. Quit a long time, huh? Not really, compared with the routine time I spend on PC and Internet, this time is short enough for I didn't go on searching about how to write a freemind-like software.
At last, there is still the question: WHAT SHALL I DO?
Saturday, July 12, 2008
why GRE?
it's not that important whether I would be admitted or not by a school(or college or university or whatever it is called). Just do something, just take GRE!
by the way, the Computer-BasedAnalytical Writing Test in 2008 is from July 1 to September 20. So it is just started.
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Get Research Experience for Graduate Admissions
How to Get Involved in Research
It's up to you to seek out opportunities to get involved in research. How? First, excel in your courses and take time to get to know faculty (e.g., stop by their office hours to ask intelligent questions, show them interesting articles or cartoons that relate to course content).
Faculty look for students who are motivated, bright, and personable. Do well in class and be generally pleasant, and they might approach you to ask if you're interested in helping out with some research.
But don't wait to be asked to get involved in research, take the initiative. Talk with faculty and let them know that you're interested in obtaining research experience. Ask if they need any help with projects or know someone who is looking for a volunteer to assist with research. Think back to classes that you've taken. Do any professors stand out? Did any talk about the research that they conduct? Perhaps a professor in your department has published an interesting article. Remember, that although having taken a class with the professor may help to break the ice, you should also approach professors whose work interests you, regardless of whether you've taken their classes.
If you find a professor who you'd like to work with, read a couple of his or her articles. This preliminary background reading will show the professor that you're serious, interested in assisting him or her, and motivated. Send the professor your resume and a cover letter mentioning the articles you've read and why their work interests you. Express your interest in assisting them with their work and include information such as your grade point average and the courses that you've taken. Ask to set up an appointment. When you meet with the professor, express your interest, and ask whether you may assist him or her. Most professors are glad to have an extra pair of hands to work on their research projects, but sometimes professors are overwhelmed with students who wish to assist them. If the professor doesn't need additional assistance, ask if he or she knows whether other professors are looking for research assistants.
While conducting research with faculty as an undergradute is useful in enhancing your graduate school application, recognize that in most cases your work will be unpaid. What do you get in return? Experience. You'll get to see what research is all about and get a taste as to whether it's for you. Sometimes students initially have luke-warm interests in research - they get involved because it will look good on their application to graduate school, but once they see what it's like to make new discoveries, they become enthralled with the process and realize that research is fascinating.
In addition to broadening your perspective on research, you might be able to get academic credit for your work as a research assistant. If you're heavily involved in the project and it's successful, you may receive an acknowledgment in a journal article, a presentation at a professional conference, or perhaps even coauthorship on a journal article.
An added benefit of working closely with a faculty member on his or her research is that the faculty member will get to know you well and can write a letter of recommendation that describes your potential for succeeding in graduate school. By working with you over time, he or she will be able to describe your skills and strengths in a much more detailed way than if you were simply a student in class.
What If Professors Aren't Doing Interesting Research?
Remember that your research experience doesn't have to be in your area of interest. Any research experience will help. Besides, sometimes it's good to get involved in different areas of research because you may discover new interests. As an undergraduate, a variety of broad experiences that provide you with a taste of several research areas is better than conducting research only in your area of interest. Of course, if you're completely disinterested in the research topic it might be difficult to remain motivated and do a good job. Understand your interest level and limits when deciding whether to assist a faculty member with his or her research because poor or inconsistent work will not be helpful and can hurt your chances for a persuasive letter of recommendation that benefits your application to graduate school. Regardless of the research topic, many of the tasks that research assistants complete can be tedious: copying, sharpening pencils, administering surveys, entering data into SPSS, and so on. Sure, some of these tasks are boring, but they're necessary for completing the research project.
Be a Responsible Research Assistant
If you get involved in research remember that the faculty member is depending on you. He or she can't afford to have assistants who are unreliable or careless. Agreeing to assist a faculty member with his or her research is a big commitment that you shouldn't take lightly. Your research tasks should come first - treat the research project as a class and be diligent. There's nothing worse than a student who is enthusiastic at first but disappears or performs inconsistent and careless work. The research project gets disrupted, tasks often must be completed again, and the faculty member loses faith in the student. If you find yourself in such a situation, you won't be able to ask the faculty member for a letter of recommendation. Also understand that faculty talk - other professors may learn about the quality of your work which can influence your interactions with them as well. In other words, if you're going to assist a professor with his or her research, be responsible or you may not like the consequences.
Monday, June 9, 2008
呵呵 这就是有名的蝴蝶定理
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Sandip :: Weblog :: IP range to CIDR conversion
# range2cidr.pl
use Net::CIDR;
use Net::CIDR ':all';
if (@ARGV == 0) {
die 'Usage Example: $0 n';
print join('n', Net::CIDR::range2cidr('$ARGV[0]')) . 'n';"
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wang Shi president of Wanke
发信站: 北大未名站 (2008年05月20日20:42:28 星期 二) , 站内信件
Tzu Chi Foundation
the last words to her only baby
妈妈给宝贝的短信遗言 每个看到的人都落泪了zz
发信人: zqmzq (太阳黑子|bless汶川,祈祷), 信区: Quake512标 题: 妈妈给宝贝的短信遗言 每个看到的人都落泪了
发信站: 北大未名站 (2008年05月17日19:41:12 星期六), 转信
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
halt while booting: recovering vi editor sessions /kv
the solution is:
root@bsd:~$ rm /var/tmp/vi.recover/*
Kai Vermehr <k at eboy.com> writes:
> While booting I get the message "recovering vi editor sessions" and
> the booting process is halted for a couple of minutes. I'm new to
> FreeBSD so I don't know where to look. Booting is resumed and some
> time later I get a message that sendmail is starting -- again taking a
> long time ...
> Any ideas how to fix this?
The saved sessions are (by default) in "/var/tmp/vi.recover".
If you don't need to recover the sessions, clean the directory out.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
javascript:s=document.forms["Form1"].elements;for (i=4;i<s.length;i++) s[i].selectedIndex=1;s[4].selectedIndex=2;alert("OK");s[17].click();
Sunday, May 18, 2008
freebsd7 ntfs-3g Unable to mount
/dev/ntfs/MUSIC /media/music ntfs-3g locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
get the err message:
Inappropriate file type or format
when using mount -t ntfs-3g
[root@bsd ~]# mount -t ntfs-3g -o locale=en_US.UTF-8 /dev/ntfs/MUSIC /media/music/it only works like this: ntfs-3g -o locale=en_US.UTF-8 /dev/ntfs/MUSIC /media/music/
mount: /dev/ntfs/MUSIC : Operation not supported by device
the solution is found in the freebsd's list
Unable to mount partition with ntfs-3g
>> # mv /sbin/mount_ntfs /sbin/mount_ntfs.bak
>> # ln -s /usr/sbin/mount_ntfs-3g /sbin/mount_ntfs
>> This is one of my /etc/fstab entries
>> /dev/ntfs/2vault /mnt/vault ntfs rw,late,gid=5,umask=113,dmask=002 0 0
Saturday, May 17, 2008
PHP5 mail() header patch
If you have a PHP script that sends mail, the recipient of the mail message will only see which server it was sent from. There will normally be no record of who originated the message, or which script on the server actually caused it to be sent. This can make it difficult to trace misuse, even if you have comprehensive mail and webserver logs."
The Solution
This patch attempts to address this weakness by inserting an informational header to messages sent from PHP via the mail() function. The header identifies both the script and the apparent IP address that called it.
The header added has the form:
PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Which is better?
an interesting passage about the choice between PostgreSQL and MySQL.
MySQL is quicker and smaller while PostgreSQL is with more futures.
and, the final answer is BOTH!
haha~ Let's have a try!
speed up making the world
Run in single user mode.
Put the /usr/src and /usr/obj directories on separate file systems held on separate disks. If possible, put these disks on separate disk controllers.
Better still, put these file systems across multiple disks using the ccd(4) (concatenated disk driver) device.
Turn off profiling (set “NO_PROFILE=true” in /etc/make.conf). You almost certainly do not need it.
Also in /etc/make.conf, set CFLAGS to something like
-O -pipe
. The optimization-O2
is much slower, and the optimization difference between-O
is normally negligible.-pipe
lets the compiler use pipes rather than temporary files for communication, which saves disk access (at the expense of memory). -
Pass the
option to make(1) to run multiple processes in parallel. This usually helps regardless of whether you have a single or a multi processor machine. -
The file system holding /usr/src can be mounted (or remounted) with the
option. This prevents the file system from recording the file access time. You probably do not need this information anyway.# mount -u -o noatime /usr/src
Warning: The example assumes /usr/src is on its own file system. If it is not (if it is a part of /usr for example) then you will need to use that file system mount point, and not /usr/src.
The file system holding /usr/obj can be mounted (or remounted) with the
option. This causes disk writes to happen asynchronously. In other words, the write completes immediately, and the data is written to the disk a few seconds later. This allows writes to be clustered together, and can be a dramatic performance boost.Warning: Keep in mind that this option makes your file system more fragile. With this option there is an increased chance that, should power fail, the file system will be in an unrecoverable state when the machine restarts.
If /usr/obj is the only thing on this file system then it is not a problem. If you have other, valuable data on the same file system then ensure your backups are fresh before you enable this option.
# mount -u -o async /usr/obj
Warning: As above, if /usr/obj is not on its own file system, replace it in the example with the name of the appropriate mount point.
Friday, May 16, 2008
in_proto.o(.data+0xa8): undefined reference to `sctp_input'
in_proto.o(.data+0xa8): undefined reference to `sctp_input'
the solution is to disable SCTP as well.
#options SCTP # Stream Control Transmission Protocol
From: William Grzybowski
Date: 2007-08-28 23:25:59
On 8/28/07, Yuri Pankov wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 05:15:56PM -0300, William Grzybowski wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am getting some errors about sctp while i build kernel from today...
> > Could it be happening because i created a src.conf file disablind bind,
> > ipv6, ipfilter, kerberos and sendmail ? (i dont think so, but it was the
> > only thing which i modified...)
> >
> > uipc_syscalls.o(.text+0x341): In function `sctp_generic_recvmsg':
> > /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.c:2600: undefined reference to
> > `sctp_sorecvmsg'
> > uipc_syscalls.o(.text+0x86c): In function `sctp_peeloff':
> > /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.c:2238: undefined reference to
> > `sctp_can_peel_of
> > f'
> > uipc_syscalls.o(.text+0xa7a):/usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.c:2279:
> > undefined r
> > eference to `sctp_do_peeloff'
> > uipc_syscalls.o(.text+0xdf0): In function `sctp_generic_sendmsg_iov':
> > /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.c:2478: undefined reference to
> > `sctp_lower_sosen
> > d'
> > uipc_syscalls.o(.text+0x109a): In function `sctp_generic_sendmsg':
> > /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_syscalls.c:2371: undefined reference to
> > `sctp_lower_sosen
> > d'
> > rtsock.o(.text+0x123b): In function `rt_newaddrmsg':
> > /usr/src/sys/net/rtsock.c:896: undefined reference to `sctp_addr_change'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xa8): undefined reference to `sctp_input'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xb0): undefined reference to `sctp_ctlinput'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xb4): undefined reference to `sctp_ctloutput'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xbc): undefined reference to `sctp_init'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xc8): undefined reference to `sctp_drain'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xcc): undefined reference to `sctp_usrreqs'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xdc): undefined reference to `sctp_input'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xe4): undefined reference to `sctp_ctlinput'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xe8): undefined reference to `sctp_ctloutput'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0xfc): undefined reference to `sctp_drain'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0x100): undefined reference to `sctp_usrreqs'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0x110): undefined reference to `sctp_input'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0x118): undefined reference to `sctp_ctlinput'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0x11c): undefined reference to `sctp_ctloutput'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0x130): undefined reference to `sctp_drain'
> > in_proto.o(.data+0x134): undefined reference to `sctp_usrreqs'
> > *** Error code 1
> >
> >
> > Bye.
> >
> >
> > --
> > William Grzybowski
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Jabber: william88 at gmail dot com
> > Msn: william.grz at hotmail dot com
> > Curitiba/PR - Brazil
> As you haven't provided your kernel config, please check if this thread
> looks
> related:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/free … 14515.html
Sorry, i forgot to send my conf...
The build error was my mistake, i forgot that sctp needs INET6, even if you
dont will use V6...
My apologize :)
William Grzybowski
Jabber: william88 at gmail dot com
Curitiba/PR - Brazil
freebsd-mailing list
http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listin … sd-current
To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-current-"
i love you but i dare not to say
Linux tip: Bash test and comparison functions
The test
builtin command returns 0 (True) or 1 (False), depending on the evaluation of an expression, expr. You can also use square brackets: test expr
and [ expr ] are equivalent. You can examine the return value by displaying $?
; you can use the return value with && and ||; or you can test it using the various conditional constructs that are covered later in this tip.
Listing 1. Some simple tests
In the first example in Listing 1, the -gt
operator performs an arithmetic comparison between two literal values. In the second example, the alternate [ ]
form compares two strings for inequality. In the final example, the value of the HOME variable is tested to see if it is a directory using the -d
unary operator.
You can compare arithmetic values using one of -eq
, -ne
, -lt
, -le
, -gt
, or -ge
, meaning equal, not equal, less than, less than or equal, greater than, and greater than or equal, respectively.
You can compare strings for equality, inequality, or whether the first string sorts before or after the second one using the operators =
, !=
, <
, and >
, respectively. The unary operator -z
tests for a null string, while -n
or no operator at all returns True if a string is not empty.
Note: the <
and >
operators are also used by the shell for redirection, so you must escape them using \<
or \>
. Listing 2 shows more examples of string tests. Check that they are as you expect.
Listing 2. Some string tests
Some of the more common file tests are shown in Table 1. The result is True if the file tested is a file that exists and that has the specified characteristic.
Operator | Characteristic |
-d | Directory |
-e | Exists (also -a) |
-f | Regular file |
-h | Symbolic link (also -L) |
-p | Named pipe |
-r | Readable by you |
-s | Not empty |
-S | Socket |
-w | Writable by you |
-N | Has been modified since last being read |
In addition to the unary tests above, you can compare two files with the binary operators shown in Table 2.
Operator | True if |
-nt | Test if file1 is newer than file 2. The modification date is used for this and the next comparison. |
-ot | Test if file1 is older than file 2. |
-ef | Test if file1 is a hard link to file2. |
rc.conf config more than one IP address on one interface
ipv4_addrs_vr0="" #I prefer this way
It is also possible to add IP alias entries using ifconfig(8) syntax. Assuming that the interface in question was ed0, it might look something like this:
ifconfig_ed0_alias0="inet netmask 0xffffffff"
ifconfig_ed0_alias1="inet netmask 0xffffffff"
sendmail caused freebsd hang at boot time
the solution is to add one line into /etc/hosts like this: bsd.local bsd
My unqualified host name (localhost) unknown; sleeping for retry
Make sure the host's names (including localhost) are defined in
/etc/hosts, and that /etc/hosts is being used in name resolution
(on 5.3 that would be configuration via nsswitch.conf(5)).
1996: SUMMARY: gethostbyaddr() failed
I solved the problem by adding back my ppp ip address into my hosts file.
There is no lookup for your IP address into a hostname. If you have
multiple interfaces or multiple addresses on one interface then you
must have a lookup for all the IP addresses.
The message there isn't an error - it's a warning. Just an annoying one :-)
>From casper@holland.Sun.COM Fri Apr 5 04:53 EST 1996
To: ying@share.sph.jhu.edu (ying He )
Content-Type: text
Content-Length: 543
>Dear Sun managers;
>My system keep getting following messages in file /var/adm/messages
>when sendmail, what caused these and Any way I can stop these?
>(alive is our hostname)
>Apr 4 17:55:15 alive sendmail[28489]: gethostbyaddr() failed
>Apr 4 23:42:26 alive sendmail[28869]: gethostbyaddr() failed
>Apr 4 23:42:55 alive sendmail[28880]: gethostbyaddr() failed
Your system can't find all names for all interfaces.
Check for funny addresses with "ifconfig -a"
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
use tail to watch a log dynamically
use -n to designate lines of log you want to see.
tail -F -n 5 /var/log/daemon.log
more details see man tail
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
黑暗的灵魂 签名档
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
freebsd 多路由 教育网电信 双线接入
On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 10:55:13PM +0200, Simon L. Nielsen wrote:
> On 2004.08.24 11:17:39 -0500, Chris wrote:
> > I'm working with a friend of mine w/ipfw. Below are IP's that are trying
> > to hack in via ssh. I suggested to use something in the form of:
> >
> > # Allow in SFTP, SSH, and SCP from public Internet
> > ${fwcmd} add 090 pass log tcp from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/29 to ${ip} 22 setup
> > limit src-addr 4
> >
> > But he mentions that he needs access to his box from potential client
> > sites where the IP is unknown.
> >
> > There has to be a better way to block the below - suggestions?
> If you use FreeBSD -CURRENT or -STABLE (newer than 4.10 and 5.2) you
> could use the new table feature. Otherwise if you use ipfw2 you could
> use "or-blocks" e.g.
> ipfw deny ip from { or or } to any
Good call, but unfortunately, this is not very good in performance either..
If you use latest kernel, your ipfw2 should have the lookup tables patch which
uses radix lookup. { blah or bleh or x or y or z } list is a linear lookup,
causing the system to lookup twice in linear fassion to come to a match. It is
not exactly any better in terms of performance efficiency than adding hundreds
of straight ipfw rules each with a ip address specification.
Try this if you have tables feature:
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw table 1 add x.x.x.x/32
ipfw add 300 deny ip from table(1) to any
No matter how many elements you got in table 1, due to radix/patricia trie
lookup as with kernel routing table, the time spent in looking thru firewall
elements is O(32) constant.
To demonstrate the efficiency:
Test #1: Start with 1 ipfw rule (the last rule 65535 being allow all) that
denies one ip address on the DUT. Flood the remote tester device that is not
denied by the ipfw rule. Start the test, and increment the ipfw rules from 1
to 10. Result:
1 rule: 140kpps
2 rule: 140kpps
3 rule: 138kpps
4 rule: 137kpps
5 rule: 135kpps
6 rule: 135kpps
7 rule: 132kpps
8 rule: 133kpps
9 rule: 131kpps
10 rule: 129kpps
Test #2: Perform the exact same test above, however use a lookup table to store
the elements from 1 to 10:
1 element in table: 140kpps
2 element in table: 140kpps
3 element in table: 140kpps
4 element in table: 141kpps
5 element in table: 140kpps
6 element in table: 139kpps
7 element in table: 140kpps
8 element in table: 142kpps
9 element in table: 140kpps
10 element in table: 140kpps
Monday, April 21, 2008
D-link 友讯网络 BAS 认证校园网客户端 for linux
Amtium eFlow Client for GNU/Linux.
Amtium eFlow Client for GNU/Linux
$12net -h
$sudo cp 12net /usr/bin/program_name
$program_name -h -u username -p password -d eth0 -f
$program_name -l
下载链接: aecium.zip
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Just don't know why cant they make the Desktop Client WSWG.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Desktop posting client test
Enjoying my happy on with CERNET~
Will all these things work perfect?