Generic Launcher
cluster is guaranteed to contain $nbplatform/lib/nbexec
executable that is supposed to be used by final products. Example: The NetBeans IDE product should provide its own executable /usr/bin/netbeans
which will locate the $nbplatform/lib/nbexec
(currently implemented here for unix and here for windows) executable, read their own configuration files, find out locations of additional clusters and pass --clusters /pathto/nb4.0:/pathto/ide4:/pathto/enterprise7
and --userdir $HOME/.myproductuserdir
to it.
The Native Product should have its own launcher called netbeans-native
and read its own settings, specify its own user directory and list of clusters (probably --clusters /pathto/ide6:/pathto/web9
as the Native product is extension of the base NetBeans IDE without the enterprise part) and pass that information to the generic $nbplatform/lib/nbexec
Configuring the Launcher
The behaviour ofnbexec
launcher can be influenced by special arguments and environment variables: - --clusters - specifies the paths to clusters that shall be placed on the execution stack (config, modules, configurations, etc.). Individual elements are separated using
so for example on Windows it is;
and on Unix:
- --branding - gives the name of branding that shall be used
- regular parameters - these are end user oriented parameters printed when invoked with --help option:
Usage: bin/../platform4/lib/nbexec {options} arguments
General options:
--help show this help
--jdkhomepath to Java(TM) 2 SDK, Standard Edition
-Jpass to JVM
--cp:pprepend to classpath
--cp:aappend to classpath
Core options:
--lafuse given LookAndFeel class instead of the default
--fontsizeset the base font size of the user interface, in points
--localeuse specified locale
--userdiruse specified directory to store user settings
Now we are assured that NetBeans can and is in deed launched from a jar(or a cluster of jars ^_^), and the .exe thing is just a configuration reader. Look into the nbexec file, and you will finally get the command like this:
java -Djdk.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun -classpath $nbhome/platform6/lib/boot.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/org-openide-modules.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/org-openide-util.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/boot_ja.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/boot_pt_BR.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/boot_zh_CN.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/org-openide-modules_ja.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/org-openide-modules_pt_BR.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/org-openide-modules_zh_CN.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/org-openide-util_ja.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/org-openide-util_pt_BR.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/org-openide-util_zh_CN.jar:$nbhome/platform6/lib/locale/swing-l10n_pt_BR.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/lib/dt.jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/lib/tools.jar -Dnetbeans.dirs=$nbhome/nb5.5:$nbhome/ide7:$nbhome/enterprise3/ -Dnetbeans.home=$nbhome/platform6 org.netbeans.Main --userdir /home/yang/.netbeans/BTW, NetBeans can be shared between linux and M$win.