I want to write a Java script to read lyric files from ttplayer's hosts. I found the way easily.
the url of TTplayer's lyric server is: ChinaTelecom CNC
For example:毛阿敏 相思
all we need to do is to turn the String of artist and title into hex.
But this took used up the whole night.
Charset | Description |
US-ASCII | Seven-bit ASCII, a.k.a. ISO646-US, a.k.a. the Basic Latin block of the Unicode character set |
ISO-8859-1 | ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1, a.k.a. ISO-LATIN-1 |
UTF-8 | Eight-bit UCS Transformation Format |
UTF-16BE | Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, big-endian byte order |
UTF-16LE | Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, little-endian byte order |
UTF-16 | Sixteen-bit UCS Transformation Format, byte order identified by an optional byte-order mark |