Tuesday, November 25, 2008

how to enable Google Search Wiki!启用SearchWiki的方法!

Google announced the new future of Search Wiki on 22th, and even released an demo video. Yet, they didn't give out the detail about how to enable the future. Where the fuck are these icons to click on? So, here it is, the way to enable Google Search Wiki future !
google在22号对外宣布了其新开放的WikiSearch功能,并且放出了demo video,然而关于如何启用该功能的细节却一直没有给出。那个该死的按钮在哪儿呢?

启用google WikiSearch的方法其实很简单,如下:

try the following links:


or simpy google any*

the keyword, as you have guessed, is "*"! Once you included "*" in the keyword, the SearchWiki will be active.

You must have an google account and login first!

the way to enable Google Search Wiki future

Happened to delete the old post, for I thought every body already knew how to enable Google Search Wiki. Yet, I was wrong, and it's still something new to most people. At least, you can't find the right answer at present when google "enable google Search Wiki". So I re-posted the article, renamed it from "how to start google Search Wiki" to "how to enable google Search Wiki", and add the Chinese text.
see the new post here

Plus, you can review your SearchWiki at here -->http://www.google.com/reviews/w

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

unique services

"unique services" is a service provided by bku, which means you can find what ever services you wanted here within the same place.

有该项服务时直接连接至该项服务的页面,附加参数。没有该项服务时,跳转至google I feel lucky, 并记录下该项服务名称。定期(每天?)进行人工修正,增添,同时对用户做出反馈(邮件/短信)。

Monday, November 17, 2008


利用gbase, gae 实现百度贴吧的rss, 以及mashup的利用。

思路是将百度贴吧的首页在gae上进行reg express处理,储存至gbase。

daobalang 已经在本月初Nov.2给出了一个贴吧的rss源,尚且不知道是如何处理可以实现同步的更新,或者,是相当同步的更新。


再,gbase是不能用来做自己的data base的,只适合用于发布商品。参看
http://www.g-economy.com/148 -->gbuy横空出世启示录